The decline of the White British population in inner city Britain appears to have halted and may even have reversed, according to a new report on ethnic integration and segregation. The new demographic analysis for Policy Exchange by the Webber Phillips data analytics group confirms that neighbourhood segregation has been slowly declining for most ethnic minority groups as they spread out from inner city heartlands into the suburbs but it […]
Embargoed until 00:01 Friday 4th March 2022 A new report from the think-tank Policy Exchange today details a ‘rescue package’ for general practice to ensure GPs can continue to deliver excellent care to patients in the years ahead. The status quo – the authors say – is unacceptable to the both the GP profession and to patients. In a foreword to the report, Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for […]
A new paper by Sir Geoffrey Owen, Policy Exchange’s Head of Industrial Policy and former editor of the Financial Times, today wades into the debate about what companies are for – arguing that there is no case for abandoning the principle of accountability to shareholders, or the focus on maximising long-term shareholder value, as the measure of corporate performance. In the think tank Policy Exchange’s latest publication ‘The case for […]
A new report today highlights the poor deal that British motorists are currently getting. Drivers currently pay £40bn per year in fuel duty and road tax yet face potholes, traffic jams and endless roadworks. The report argues that road pricing would be better, but only if it is designed to help motorists rather than to tax them off the roads. A new system of road pricing should replace fuel […]
Responding today to the release of the long-awaited Government’s White Paper on ‘levelling up’, Policy Exchange Senior Fellow Rt Hon Ruth Kelly commented: “Levelling Up may have become one of the Government’s better known political slogans, but for millions of people in disadvantaged regions the slogan captures a harsh economic truth. The UK suffers from chronic inequality, with whole regions and towns feeling that they have been left out of […]
New polling – one of the most extensive surveys in years – by Policy Exchange has revealed widespread public concern about the impact tall buildings have had on the heritage, character and appearance of London.An overwhelming majority (71%) believe tall buildings should not be allowed to interfere with historic views, with 70% believing they should fit in with their surroundings.It shows that a considerable majority, 64%, believe that they have […]
Think Tank Policy Exchange today announced the launch of its new Economic and Social Unit, headed by Connor MacDonald, and joined by the Rt Hon Ruth Kelly as a Senior Fellow. In her first intervention in her new role, Ms Kelly argues that radical reform is needed if levelling up is to succeed and woeful rates of productivity growth are to be reversed. Ms Kelly also makes the argument for […]
"Some attention has been given post-election to the Conservative plans for a constitutional commission. But less focus has been given to the significant plans being put together for a re-servicing of the Union. The Policy Exchange think-tank has called for ‘a Grand Strategy to modernise the United Kingdom.’ This is an activist Unionism of a kind only glimpsed before."
Speaking at a Policy Exchange conference in Washington DC, former Prime Minister David Cameron warned of the continuing threat to the West posed by Islamism. Paul Goodman observed on ConservativeHome that no other UK think tank has 'the reach to bring together 50 or so experts, wonks, and diplomats in America’s capital for an event like this'
Policy Exchange is delighted to announce the appointment of Hannah Stuart as the new Co-Head of our Security and Extremism Unit alongside Martyn Frampton
Policy Exchange's Head of Arts and Culture, Lindsay Johns, responds to a David Aaronovitch column, setting out his thoughts on the topic of 'decolonising the canon'
Warwick Lightfoot — Policy Exchange’s Director of Research, and Head of Economic and Social Policy — appareared on BBC News to discuss Brexit on the day the UK triggers Article 50
The Boston Globe has cited Policy Exchange’s ‘Unsettled Belonging: A survey of Britain’s Muslim communities’ report in an article entitled ‘What comes before jihad’ They said: “…read the recent Policy Exchange study of Britain’s Muslim communities, “Unsettled Belonging.” At first sight, the news is good. Altogether, 90 percent of those surveyed condemned terrorism. Only 7 percent said they did not feel a strong sense of belonging to the UK…”
The Financial Times has referenced Policy Exchange’s report ’Going Round in Circles: Developing a new approach to waste policy following Brexit’ in an article entitled ‘Recycling industry looks to claw best from Brexit’
David Goodhart — Policy Exchange's Head of Demography, Immigration, and Integration — appeared on Newsnight to discuss diversity, in the wake of the Westminster terrorist attack, and in light of his latest book, 'The Road to Somewhere'. During the interview, he also made reference to his recent Policy Exchange work on integration, and specifically the ICM polling undertaken to inform the 'Unsettled Belonging' report, which he cowrote with Martyn Frampton and Khalid Mahmood MP.
This Sunday Times article by Mark Macaskill discusses the views of Warwick Lightfoot, Policy Exchange's Head of Economics and Social Policy, and Research Director. Referring to a recent blog piece Lightfoot wrote on Scottish independence, Macaskill reports that 'a proposal by the SNP for tackling Scotland’s multibillion-pound budget deficit in the event of independence has been described as “implausible” by a leading economist.'
Watch The Rt. Hon. Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy deliver a speech and answer questions at Policy Exchange’s ‘Developing a Modern Industrial Strategy’ conference
In a letter published by The Times, Eric Kaufmann — Professor of Politics at Birkbeck, University of London — responds to a column by David Aaronovitch that discusses Kaufmann's recent Policy Exchange report, 'Racial Self-Interest is not Racism'.
David Goodhart — Policy Exchange's Head of Demography, Immigration, and Integration — appeared on the BBC's 'The Big Questions', taking part in a discussion entitled 'Are Europe's powerless taking control?'.
The House of Commons Library has published reading lists on two specific Brexit topics, both of which feature Policy Exchange reports
Professor Richard Ekins, Head of Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power project, gave spoken evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Defence on investigations in fatalities involving British service personnel
The deadline for the 2017 Wolfson Economics Prize closed at 09:00hrs 2 March 2017, with over 120 entries from 7 countries competing for the £250,000 award to tackle issues facing Britain’s road network.
Lt Gen McMaster is one of America's leading soldier-scholars. His latest address to Policy Exchange - entitled 'Future threats and their implications for U.S. Military Strategy' - was delivered here just over three weeks ago on 25 January 2017
In a recent column for The Telegraph, entitled ‘A diversity of opinions, more than of cultures, is what we need in the judiciary’ Charles Moore referenced the work of Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power Project in relation to the recent Supreme Court judgement.
The Sun credited Policy Exchange’s agenda setting work on the ‘Just About Managing’ classes, saying: “Think tank Policy Exchange describe them as “people who just manage to get by each month but whose resilience to economic shocks is not high”.”
Richard Ekins, Head of Policy Exchange's Judicial Power Project (JPP), recently gave evidence to the Defence sub-Committee inquiry 'MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial processes'. Here, you can read his submission; the inquiry's final report; the JPP's response to the report; and a speech given, in 2014, by the Secretary of State for Defence, which highlights Policy Exchange's continued role in highlighting and pushing for action on this issue.
Schools Week and TES respond to Policy Exchange announcing the appointment of a new education and social reform team.
David Goodhart - Policy Exchange’s Head of the Demography, Immigration, and Integration Unit – appeared before the Select Committee for Exiting the European Union to discuss the immigration aspects of ‘The UK’s negotiating objectives for its withdrawal from the EU’.
John Bew — Head of Policy Exchange's Britain in the World project — argues that it is time to 'end the fin de siecle angst' about Western decline, and that Britain must be 'present at the creation' of any new international order
Watch former Prime Minister Rt Hon Gordon Brown launch ‘The Cost of Doing Nothing’ report with MPs Alison McGovern and Tom Tugendhat.
Watch the Rt Hon Lord Hague of Richmond address the launch, which took place on 26 January
This event took place on 23 January
This talk took place at Policy Exchange on 25 January 2017
David Goodhart — Head of Policy Exchange's Demography, Immigration & Integration unit — appeared before the committee last Tuesday, to talk about the possible positive and negative effects on Londoners and the London economy of ending EU freedom of movement
The head of Policy Exchange's Britain in the World project argues that, despite the “America first” rhetoric in the Trump campaign, we will not see an isolationist American foreign policy under the next President
The Sunday Times, the Sunday Telegraph, and The Sun on Sunday refer to 'Policy Exchange's Clean Brexit report, which will be published on Monday 16 January
The debate on the Armed Forces Covenant covered a wide range of issues, including forces housing, pay, and compensation — and there was a name check for Policy Exchange
On Monday 12 December, Hon. Christopher Pyne MP — Australia’s Minister for Defence Industry and Leader of the House of Representatives — spoke at Policy Exchange about how, 'as the rules-based global order faces increased challenges, [our] common values and our shared commitment to defend them are only strengthened'
He was presented the award for his book, 'Citizen Clem: A Life of Attlee', at a ceremony in the House of Commons
Watch The Secretary of State for Transport make his first major speech on rail policy and set out his agenda and priorities. This took place at Policy Exchange on Tuesday 6 December
On Tuesday 6 December, the Secretary of State for Transport, Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, made his first major speech on rail policy, setting out his agenda and priorities. This took place at Policy Exchange
In a discussion about degree-awarding powers, Johnson cited Simons' comments on the recent development that Teesside University had decided to ‘end its validation of higher education programmes in the wider college network'
Richard Howard — Policy Exchange's Head of Environment and Energy — comments on the issue of the need for new power plants
Coverage from The Times, the Guardian, the Daily Mail, and The Sun, the Today programme, and various other media outlets
‘A magic word can be comforting in dark times. Right now, that word is infrastructure. Today’s Autumn Statement clutched at the muscular promise of a can-do tomorrow in which traffic jams are busted and broadband unblocked. Everyone nods when told Britain needs to do more for infrastructure. So it was today when Philip Hammond, the chancellor, promised a national productivity investment fund, reeling off hundreds of millions for digital railway signalling, access […]
Comments from the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph
Comments from the Guardian, City A.M., The Sunday Times, and the FT
In discussing the rise of reference to 'the just about managing class', articles in The Sun, the Guardian, and The Times point up the influence of the recent Policy Exchange report that established this term
Comments from The Sunday Times, the Daily Mail, and The Sun
The BBC references Policy Exchange's 'The Skills We Need, and Why We Don’t Have Them'
The Spectator and The Evening Standard mentioned the launch of All Out War by Sunday Times political editor, Tim Shipman. The event was launch in Policy Exchange’s office and brought together senior political and media figures from all parties and sides in the recent EU referendum. Image © Alan Davidson/SilverHub Media 2016
Gerard Lyons took part in the debate 'Brexit: what next for the City' on the BBC World Service radio programme, 'In the Balance'.
Listen to Policy Exchange's Chief Economic Adviser on the programme
Lord Leigh of Hurley commended the “excellent work of Policy Exchange, and in particular Dr Geoff Raby and his work on free trade” in the House of Lords
George Eaton refers to Policy Exchange's 2015 report, 'Overlooked But Decisive: Connecting with England's Just About Managing Classes'
The Evening Standard's exclusive on Policy Exchange's new Black Cab report.
In an interview with Andrew Gimson for ConservativeHome, Tugendhat reflects at length on his work with Policy Exchange on meretricious litigation against the armed forces, and how this has recently been taken up by the Prime Minister.
Policy Exchange is launching two major new work programmes – on the Future of the Right and Future of the Left. The Future of the Right programme will be led by former ConservativeHome Editor Lord (Paul) Goodman, a key figure in British conservatism. Goodman will be joined by Lord (Charles) Moore, authorised biographer of Margaret Thatcher, who will be looking at her legacy going forward in her Centenary year (2025) […]
What is best practice when writing about a Nobel Prize winner (John Hume) who shared it with another Northern Ireland leader (David Trimble)? Surely the best approach, while accepting the humanity and great achievement of John Hume, is not to suppress all serious questions about his career in favour of an actual caricature of the Northern Ireland problem. Professor Henry Patterson, himself a Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association marcher back […]
By David Trimble and Roderick Crawford The Prime Minister’s proposals to replace the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland (the ‘backstop), published this week, have received a cool and sceptical reception in Brussels and have been dismissed by Dublin. They are seen by both as failing to meet the mark. However, this may not be so much a result of the content of the UK’s proposals as with the negotiating position […]
The Supreme Court’s decision in Miller v Prime Minister and Cherry v The Advocate General is to be welcomed. It demonstrates a delicate balance between law and politics, affirming the Supreme Court’s role as the guardian of the UK’s constitution. The Supreme Court deftly handles issues of justiciability by focusing on the extent as opposed to the exercise of the prerogative power of prorogation. All parties accepted that the courts […]
Dr Gunnar Beck — a Visiting Scholar at Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power Project — responds to German Vice Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sigmar Gabriel's apparent signal that the EU might be willing to 'relax some of its more extravagant demands' in the Brexit negotiations. Beck concludes that while Gabriel’s proposal for a transnational EU-UK court is a 'promising starting point for the negotiations', the UK 'needs assurance that its future legal relationship with the EU [will be] governed by the greatest possible legal certainty and overseen by a court which ensures that words mean what they say and not simply whatever it may be that best suits the European Union'.
The rights of EU citizens in the UK will be at the forefront of Brexit negotiations. Writing for Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power Project, Dr Gunnar Beck critically considers the EU’s demand that the rights of EU citizens after Brexit should be directly enforced – in perpetuity – by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU). Sovereign states do not agree to treaties that are adjudicated by the courts of the other party. The EU’s demand for continuing CJEU jurisdiction is demeaning and would impose very heavy constraints on future policy-making in immigration.
Leading authority on EU Law, Dr Gunnar Beck (SOAS), writes for Policy Exchange's Judicial Power Project to explain why, as a matter of law, Britain can leave the EU without any liability for any allegedly outstanding sums under the EU budget. Dr Beck dismantles Helena Kennedy QC's suggestion in the Guardian last week that the EU Court of Justice should have a role in post-Brexit Britain
This will be Policy Exchange's 16th party conference season! As ever, we're planning a packed programme of fringe events exploring the most pressing policy questions facing the Government. Read this to find out more, and to explore the idea of partnering with Policy Exchange at the party conferences this year.
'How can we pay for better, safer, more reliable roads in a way that is fair to road users and good for the economy and the environment?'
This is a very disappointing decision which is not justified by long-standing legal principle
Watch judges Isabel Dedring, Bridget Rosewell, and Alistair Darling
This panel discussion for potential Prize entrants took place at Policy Exchange on 18 January
The Director of the Wolfson Prize offers some advice to the transport industry
Aileen McHarg — Professor of Public Law at the University of Strathclyde — writes for Policy Exchange's Judicial Power Project, concluding that she does not 'envy the Supreme Court justices the task they face this week'
Eric Kaufmann — Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London — writes for Policy Exchange’s Integration Hub website on the topic of the Casey Review, which he says is 'to be commended for its rigour and steadfast defense of liberal principles'
Ted Cantle — founder of the Institute of Community Cohesion — writes for Policy Exchange's Integration Hub website on the topic of the Casey Review, which he says 'has firmly put community cohesion and integration back on the agenda'
Following on from his three Judicial Power Project papers on Miller, Professor John Finnis delivered the Sir Thomas More Lecture at Lincoln’s Inn on ‘Brexit and the Balance of Our Constitution’, on 1 December 2016.
Watch Timothy Endicott, Professor of Legal Philosophy in the University of Oxford, speak at Policy Exchange about the royal prerogative and why its use by the Government to trigger Article 50 should be defended
References made included those by the former Supreme Court Justice, Lord Brown of Eaton-Under-Heywood, who proposed the motion, as well as General Lord Richards, Lord Bilimoria, and Lord Stirrup
The text of the prize director's speech
The prize's director responds to the Autumn Statement
More footage about the prize
The BBC reports on the competition
In his article, 'Stop obsessing about planes and trains, and start using roads better', Jenkins argues the case for prioritising investment in roads
In an article entitled 'The state of our roads is a national disgrace', Lord Wolfson discusses the thinking behind the focus of the 2017 Wolfson Prize
This submission has been made by Policy Exchange's Judicial Power Project to the Joint Committee on Human Rights at the UK Parliament. Its writers contend that anxiety over the protection of human rights in the wake of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the EU is misplaced
Video footage of this well-received, and exceptionally well-attended panel discussion, which took place on Tuesday 11 October. Addressing Labour's past and future, the event centred around 'Citizen Clem' — the new biography of Attlee, written by John Bew, head of Policy Exchange’s Britain in the World project.
Watch the launch of the third Wolfson Economics Prize
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 1 April 2025Time: 12:30 – 13:45 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Future of the Left at Policy ExchangeHow to Deliver Inclusive Growth with Andy Haldane CEO of the Royal Society of the Arts,and formerly Chief Economist at the Bank of England And afterwards in conversation with Gillian Tett Columnist, Financial Times,and Provost, Kings College Cambridge The event will include a Q&A with the audience.
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 5 February 2025 Time: 13:00 – 14:15 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Policy Exchange and The Together Foundation invite you to National Defence Requirements and 21st Century War: Why the Union is important Lecture by Professor Gwythian Prins Emeritus Research Professor, London School of EconomicsMember of the Chief of Defence Staff’s Strategy Advisory Panel and Admiral Sir George Zambellas GCB, DSC, ADCFormer First […]
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 26 November Time: 12:45 – 13:45 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event The Future of the Right: How did the Conservatives lose the Professional Classes? with Dr Luke Evans MP Member of Parliament for Hinckley and Bosworth Lord Faulks KC Barrister and former Minister of State for Justice Rt Hon Lord Maude of Horsham Co-founder of Policy Exchange Rachel Wolf […]
Event Details: Date: 22 OctoberTime: 17:30 – 19:00 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to mark the launch of The Care Dilemma: Caring Enough in the Age of Sex Equality with David Goodhart Author and Head of Demography, Immigration and Integration, Policy Exchange Followed by a panel discussion with: David Goodhart Author and Head of Demography, Immigration and Integration, Policy Exchange Baroness Wolf of Dulwich Sir […]
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 2 October 2024Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration http://eature=emb_title About this Event Hon Michael R Pompeo70th United States Secretary of State in conversation with Lord Moore of EtchinghamSenior Fellow, Policy ExchangeAuthorised biographer of Margaret Thatcher
Event Details: Date: Monday 30 September In Person Registration About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a Panel Discussion and Drinks Reception at Conservative Party Conference. The Future of the Right with Rt Hon Claire Coutinho MP Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Lord Kempsell Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange, Former Political Director of the Conservative Party Katie Lam MP Conservative MP for the Weald of Kent […]
Event Details: Date: Monday 23 September Time: 18:30-20:00 Venue: PANAM, Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4AD In Person Registration About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a Drinks Reception at Labour Party Conference Date, Time & Venue Monday 23 September Event start – 18:30 Event close – 20:00 PANAM Restaurant & Bar Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4AD Tickets for this event will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and […]
Event Details: Date: Friday 20 September 2024 Time: 14:30 – 15:30 Venue: Online Webinar Registration About this Event with Lt Gen HR McMaster, USA (Ret.) Former US National Security Adviser Sir John Jenkins KCMG LVO Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange Former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Paddy McGuinness CMG OBE Former UK Deputy National Security Adviser Air Marshal Edward Stringer CB CBE Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange Former Director-General of the Defence Academy Lord Verdirame KC […]
Event Details: Date: 18 September Time: 12:00 – 13:15 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a panel discussion The International Criminal Court : What Next with Ambassador Todd Buchwald US Envoy for Global Criminal Justice in the Obama administration Member UN Committee against Torture Dr Emanuela-Chiara Gillard Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict Lord Macdonald of […]
Event Details: Date: Friday 20 September Time: 8:30 am – 9:30 am Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to The Future Of The Right: Lessons From Canada Rt Hon Stephen J. Harper 22nd Prime Minister of CanadaChairman, International Democracy Union in conversation with Lord Godson Director, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: 4 September Time: 13:00 – 14:15 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Policy Exchange launches: The Future of the Right Project with James Kanagasooriam Chief Research Officer, Focaldata Katie Lam MP Conservative MP for the Weald of Kent Rupert Lowe MP Reform UK MP for Great Yarmouth Charles Moore Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange Authorised biographer of Margaret Thatcher Rachel Wolf Founding […]
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 25 JuneTime: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange and Nexus Strategic Communications invite you to Keynote speech by Governor Michelle W. BowmanMember of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors And afterwards in conversation with Lord Bridges of Headley MBEChair, House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee
Event Details: Date: 1 July Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Keynote speech by His Excellency Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa Secretary General, Muslim World League
Event Details: Date: 17 JuneTime: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event New Republican visions for American foreign and national security policy with Elbridge ColbyCo-founder and principal of The Marathon Initiative,Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development in conversation with Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon KCBFormer Secretary of State for Defence Vote of Thanks by Admiral Lord West GCB […]
Event Details: Date: Monday 13 May Time: 11:00 – 11:55 About this Event A full transcript of the speech can be found here.
Event Details: Date: Monday 22 AprilTime: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to War Among the People: Past, Present and Future With John SpencerChair of Urban Warfare Studies,the Modern War Institute at West Point In Conversation with Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon KCBFormer Secretary of State for Defence
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 17 April Time: 18:30 – 19:30 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event The Colin Cramphorn Memorial Lecture Europe after October 7: new faults lines and ripple effects delivered by Professor Gilles Kepel Formerly President Macron’s Special Envoy on Middle East and Mediterranean Issues Vote of Thanks by Rt Hon Tom Tugendhat MBE MP Security Minister Chaired by Lord Godson Director, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: 30 AprilTime: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to mark the launch of The Anxious Generation:How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness with Professor Jonathan HaidtAuthor and Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership, New York University’s Stern School of Business In Conversation with David GoodhartHead of Demography, Immigration and Integration, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: 14 March Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to the launch of Economic Transformation: Lessons from History with Roger BootleHead of the Policy Programme for Prosperity, Policy Exchange Founder of Capital Economics Rt Hon Ruth KellyFormer Secretary of State for TransportSenior Fellow, Policy Exchange James VitaliHead of Political Economy, Policy ExchangeMartin WolfChief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Event Details: Date: 12:00 – 13:00 Time: 19 March Venue: Online and In Person In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event The Future of Industrial Policy with Sarah Jones MP Shadow Minister for Industry and Decarbonisation In Conversation with Sir Geoffrey Owen Head of Industrial Policy, Policy Exchange, Former Editor of the Financial Times
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 28 February Time: 13:00 – 13:45 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event A New Era for UK Defence with Labour with Rt Hon John Healey MP Shadow Secretary of State for Defence With threats increasing, Rt Hon John Healey MP will outline Labour’s plan for Britain’s defence. The keynote address will be followed by a Q&A with our audience. Transcript I want to start by […]
Event Details: Date: Monday 8 January Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Artificial Intelligence, Technologies and National Security With Rt Hon Lord Willetts FRS Former Minister for Universities and Science and author of The Eight Great Technologies in conversation with Sir Anthony Finkelstein CBE Former Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security and President of City, University of London Chaired by Air Marshal Edward Stringer (Ret’d) CB […]
Event Details: Date: 16 January Time: 13:00 – 14:00 Venue: In Person and Online In Person Registration Webinar Registration About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a report launch Turning Wasted Wind into Hydrogen with Angus MacNeil MP Chair of the Energy Security and Net Zero Select Committee Emma Pinchbeck Chief Executive, Energy UK Antony Green Future of Energy Director, SGN chaired by Josh Buckland Senior Fellow, Energy […]
Event Details: Date: Monday 11 DecemberTime: 12:00 – 12:45 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a keynote speech Making Sanctions Bite: Strengthening the UK’s approach to trade sanctions implementation with Nusrat Ghani MPMinister of State for Industry and Economic Security, and the Minister of State for the Investment Security Unit at the Cabinet Office Chaired by Air Marshal Edward Stringer (Ret’d) CB CBESenior Fellow, Policy […]
Event Details: Date: 29 November 2023Time: 17:30 – 18:30 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to Energy Security in a World in Crisis withRt Hon Claire Coutinho MPSecretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero in conversation with Dr Daniel YerginVice Chairman, S&P GlobalAuthor of The New Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of NationsPulitzer Prize Winner for:The Prize: the Epic Quest for Oil, Money […]
Event Details: Date: 30 November Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: Online and In Person About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to Impact of the Ukraine War- and Dealing with Russia’s New Role in the World with Professor Angela StentSenior Fellow, Brookings InstitutionFormer U.S. National Intelligence Officer for Russia and EurasiasAuthor of Putin’s World: Russia Against the West and with the Rest Chaired by Lord GodsonDirector, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 5 December Time: 10:00 – 11:15 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to the Launch of the UK PISA 2022 Results in collaboration with the OECD with Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP Minister of State for Schools Alfonso EchazarraCo-author of the PISA 2022 reports, OECD Amanda SpielmanHis Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Ofsted Dame Rachel de SouzaChildren’s Commissioner Chaired by Iain MansfieldDirector of Research […]
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 19 July Time: 12:30 – 13:15 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Skills, Efficiency and Technology – How we equip the Civil Service to deliver better for Britain with Rt. Hon Jeremy Quin MP Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office chaired by Iain Mansfield Director of Research, Policy Exchange The speech will be followed by a Q&A with our audience.
Event Details: Date: 11 September 2023Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to Fighting Crime: Turning Round the Met Sir Mark Rowley QPM, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in conversation with Sir Trevor Phillips OBE, Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 5 JulyTime: 13:00 – 14:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to Freedom of Speech and the Leaders of Tomorrow A speech by Claire Coutinho MPMinister, Department for Education Chaired by Lord GodsonDirector, Policy Exchange The speech will be followed by a Q&A with our audience.
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 21 June Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to AUKUS and the Indo-Pacific Century Hon Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia 2018-22 Founder of AUKUS agreement in conversation with Air Chief Marshal Lord Peach GBE KCB DL Former Chief of the Defence Staff Former Chairman, NATO Military Committee
Event Details: Date: Wednesday 7 JuneTime: 14:15 – 15:15 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Race to Net Zero: Can the Energy Bill Unlock our Low-Carbon Economy? A speech by Andrew Bowie MPMinister of State for Nuclear & Networks and afterin conversation with Nina Skorupska CBECEO, The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA) and Alex Simakov Senior Research FellowEnergy & Environment, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: Friday 28 April 2023Event Start: 11:40 Venue: Central London Location About this Event The Grotius Prize presented to Giorgia Meloni President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Government Transcript Good morning to everyone. It is my privilege and honour to address you on my first visit to the United Kingdom as Prime Minister of Italy. I would like to express my gratitude for the invitation […]
Event Details: Date: 25 May Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Ukraine: Have we recognised the strategic moment? with Lieutenant General Ben Hodges (USA, Ret.) Former Commanding General, US Army Europe in conversation with Rt Hon Lord Robertson of Port Ellen KT Former Secretary General of NATO chaired by Lord Godson Director, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 11 April Time: 13.00 – 14.00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Achieving Smokefree 2030: Cutting Smoking and Stopping Kids Vaping with Neil O’Brien OBE MP Minister for Primary Care and Public Health chaired by Dr Sean Phillips Head of Health and Social Care, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: 27 MarchTime: 18:00 – 19:00 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event What Is The Future For Vaccines Policy? With Professor Dame Jenny Harries Chief Executive, UK Health Security Agency Susan Rienow Vice-President, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry; UK Country President, Pfizer Thorrun Govind Chair, English Pharmacy Board, Royal Pharmaceutical Society Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP Former Secretary of State for Health and […]
Event Details: Date: 1 March 2023Time: 13:15 – 14:15 Venue: In person and Online About this Event Outpacing the Autocrats with Alicia Kearns MPChair of the Foreign Affairs Committee And afterwards in conversation with Sophia GastonHead of Foreign Policy and UK Resilience, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: 21 February 2023Time: 12:30 – 13:30 Venue: Online and In Person About this Event John Penrose MP Member of Parliament for Weston-super-Mare Laura Sandys CBE Chair of the Energy Digitalisation Taskforce Kuljit Bains Head of Forward Trading, E.ON UK Andy Manning Principal Policy Manager;Energy Networks & Systems, Citizens Advice Chaired by Alex Simakov Senior Research Fellow,Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: {{day-week-day-month}} Time: {{00.00}} Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Unleashing Capital: The Government’s Next Steps for Financial Services, Levelling Up and Growth with Andrew Griffith MP Economic Secretary to the Treasury Lord O’Neill of Gatley Chair of Northern Gritstone Kitty Ussher Chief Economist, Institute of Directors Mike Eakins Chief Investment Officer, Phoenix Group Chaired by Connor MacDonald Head of Economics and Social Policy, Policy Exchange
Event Details: Date: 16 December Time: 11:00 – 11:45 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event A new Policy Exchange report Double Vision: A roadmap to double medical school places with a keynote speech by Wes Streeting MPShadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Event Details: Date: 13 December Time: 12.45 – 13.45 Venue: In Person and Online About this Event Defending Democracy in an Age of State Threats a keynote speech by Rt Hon Tom Tugendhat MBE MPMinister for Security
Event Details: Date: 23 November 2022Time: 18:00 – 19:00 Venue: Online and In Person About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to The Challenges facing Modern Conservatism a keynote speech by Hon John Howard OM ACformer Prime Minister of Australia
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 22 November Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Venue: Online and In Person About this Event KH. Yahya Cholil StaqufGeneral Chairman of Indonesia’s Nahdlatul Ulama Under Pak Yahya’s leadership, the Nahdlatul Ulama is working to systematically recontextualize problematic tenets of Islamic orthodoxy that are too often weaponized to foster religious hatred, supremacy and violence. Among his most recent initiatives is the establishment of the G20 Religion Forum, or “R20” — in conjunction with the Indonesian Presidency of the […]
Event Details: Date: Tuesday 15th NovemberTime: 13:00 – 14:00 Venue: Online and In Person About this Event Professor Rory Medcalf AM Head of the National Security College at the Australian National University In conversation with Sophia Gaston Head of Foreign Policy, Policy Exchange The discussion will be followed by a Q&A with our audience. — Join Policy Exchange for an ‘in conversation’ event with Professor Rory Medcalf AM, the Head of the […]
Event Details: Date: Thursday 13 October Time: 14:00 – 14:45 About this Event A gold mine for growth and opportunity: Unleashing the full potential of the labour market a keynote speech by Rt Hon Chloe Smith MP Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Chaired by David Goodhart Head of Demography, Immigration & Integration, Policy Exchange Related Events
Event Details: Date: Thursday 6th October 2022Time: 12:00 – 13:00 About this Event with Jacques Audibert Former Foreign Policy Advisor to the Elysée Nazanin BoniadiIranian-born human rights activistAmbassador for Amnesty International UK Rt Hon Liam Fox MPFormer Secretary of State for Defence General Frank McKenzie (USMC, Ret.)Former Commander, U.S. Central Command General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith KCB, CBEFormer Chief of the General Staff Mohammed AlyahyaFellow, Harvard Belfer Center,Senior Fellow, Hudson Instituteand […]
Event Details: Date: {{day-week-day-month}} Time: {{00.00}} About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a keynote address by Dr Raghib Ali Clinical Epidemiologist, University of Cambridge, Advisor to the Race Disparity Unit on Covid and Health Regional health inequality has long been a concern of governments. The Levelling Up White Paper includes as one of its 12 missions the ambitious goal of narrowing the gap between the places where Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) is […]
Event Details: Date: {{day-week-day-month}} Time: {{00.00}} Venue: Online About this Event Rt Hon Lord Darling of Roulanish Former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Former Secretary of State for Transport Huw Merriman MP Member of Parliament for Bexhill and Battle Chair, Transport Select Committee Meera Vadher Director, Flint Global Former Special Advisor to the Transport Secretary Ben Southwood Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange Chaired by Ed Birkett Head of Energy & Environment, Policy Exchange […]
Judges should be independent. In a constitution that is committed to the rule of law, as the UK’s constitution has been for centuries, no one seriously disputes this proposition.
Policy Exchange invites you to a keynote address by Professor Richard Jones Vice-President for Regional Innovation and Civic Engagement University of Manchester
Event Details: Date: {{day-week-day-month}} Time: {{00.00}} Venue: Online About this Event Policy Exchange invites you to a panel discussion with Ben Houchen Mayor of Tees Valley * Rt Hon Hazel Blears Chair of the Social Investment Business, Former Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government * Rt Hon Jesse Norman MP Former Financial Secretary to the Treasury * Paul Ormerod Economist and Chair of the Rochdale Development Agency Chaired by David Goodhart […]
Policy Exchange invites you to an online panel discussion with Andrew Griffith MP, Member of Parliament for Arundel and South Downs, Net Zero Business Champion for COP26 (2020 – 2021). Martin McTague, National Vice Chair Policy and Advocacy, The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). Eva-Maria Kirschsieper, EMEA Director of Sustainability Policy, META
Policy Exchange is delighted to announce, The Falklands 40 Margaret Thatcher Day Lecture, Delivered by Lord Moore of Etchingham, Visiting Scholar, Policy Exchange. With Vote of thanks by Hon Leona Roberts MLA, Member of the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly, Chaired by Dean Godson. The lecture is held in association with the Falkland Islands Government and with a live link to Port Stanley.
with: Lt Gen H R McMaster, former US National Security Advisor to President Trump; Rt Hon Lord Hague of Richmond, former Foreign Secretary; Hon Alexander Downer AC, former Foreign Minister of Australia and Policy Exchange Chairman of Trustees; Julianne Smith, Director Asia Programme, German Marshall Fund of the US former Deputy National Security Advisor to US Vice President Joe Biden; Lord Wood of Anfield former Foreign Policy Adviser to Gordon Brown; chaired by Dean Godson, Director, Policy Exchange
Policy Exchange’s first public webinar, our speakers included the main triumvirate who led the policy response to the 2008 economic crisis – Rt Hon Lord Darling of Roulanish, former Chancellor of the Exchequer; Lord King of Lothbury, former Governor of the Bank of England; Lord Macpherson of Earl’s Court, former Permanent Secretary at HM Treasury – as well as Dr Gerard Lyons, newly appointed Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange. The event was chaired by Juliet Samuel, Telegraph columnist and Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange.
Policy Exchange was delighted to welcome Hon Michael R. Pompeo, United States Secretary of State, to speak on "The Future of the Special Relationship” in conversation with Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, United Kingdom Foreign Secretary, moderated by Dean Godson, Director of Policy Exchange.
We are delighted to welcome Jens Spahn German Federal Minister of Health, a rising star of German Politics, to speak at Policy Exchange on “The Future of the Nation State in Europe” in conversation with David Goodhart, Head of Demography at Policy Exchange.
We were delighted to welcome William Schneider Jr, former Chairman of the US Defense Science Board and a leading authority on strategic innovation and tech R&D, to speak at Policy Exchange on “Delivering National Scientific & Technological Advantage: The American Approach”.
Politics looked straightforward when Patrick Kidd took over the reins of the daily political sketch in The Times in 2015.
Drinks Reception with Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP
18.00 – Registration 18.30 – Event start 19.30 – Event close Policy Exchange invites you to: “EVENT TITLE” With: Speaker 1, Affiliation 1 Speaker 2, Affiliation 2 Speaker 3, Affiliation 3 Speaker 4, Affiliation 4 About the event BLURB GOES HERE
Jonathan Haidt, one of the western world’s most important social psychologists and public intellectuals, held the UK launch of his book The Coddling of the American Mind (co-written with Greg Lukianoff) at Policy Exchange.
The launch of Policy Exchange’s new Civility Hub and new report “An Age of Incivility: Understanding the New Politics”, featuring: Rt Hon Dame Margaret Hodge MP Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP Jacob Rees-Mogg MP Emily Benn, Former Councillor, London Borough of Croydon Sebastian Payne, Political Leader Writer, Financial Times Trevor Phillips OBE, Former Chair, Equality and Human Rights Commission About the event Recent years have seen a sustained and significant coarsening of […]
Architects should "stop being so defensive" and try to design houses that turn Nimbys into Slimbys ("something lovely in my backyard"), said Kit Malthouse MP, Housing Minister, at our Building More, Building Beautiful Conference – which brought together architects, planners, housebuilders politicians and journalists to discuss design and style in housebuilding. He praised Policy Exchange for "seizing the zeitgeist yet again".
Britain can become an “invisible chain that links the world’s democracies” after Brexit, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP said in his first keynote address as Foreign Secretary, at Policy Exchange. Noting that the rise of China will mean that for the first time the world’s largest economy will not be a democracy, he warned against a return to a principle of ‘might is right’ and announced an international conference on media freedom to be hosted by the UK next year.
Policy Exchange is... multidisciplinary, highly influential, a productive force in the heart of Westminster and our political system,” said Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, at a Policy Exchange event with Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Adrian Wooldridge, The Economist’s Bagehot columnist, to launch their new book, Capitalism in America.
As part of Building Beautiful Month, the Syrian architect and author Marwa Al-Sabouni spoke at Policy Exchange on “The Loss of Home”. Marwa appeared in conversation with Sir Roger Scruton and was introduced by Tom Tugendhat MP.
Speaking at the first such cross-party event in Westminster, General David Petraeus, former Commander, US Central Command, tells a packed Policy Exchange audience that expansion of European Human Rights law “is having a chilling effect on recruiting, retention & overall morale of British armed forces.
The concept of a ‘hydrogen economy’ has been put forward by proponents for many decades. In theory, this abundant element is a perfect solution to our clean energy needs. It does not produce greenhouse gases when burned, it can be stored in large quantities for long periods, and it can be used as a fuel in virtually every sector of our economy, from transport to heavy industry to home heating. Despite the notion existing for some time, and recognition of the environmental benefits that this entails, it is yet to materialise fully.
A lecture from The Hon Justice Bradley W Miller, Court of Appeal for Ontario, on: Constitutional Supremacy and Judicial Reasoning: Doctrinal Difficulties in Canada and Abroad.
The Inaugural Colin Amery Memorial Lecture on "The Fabric of the City" delivered by Sir Roger Scruton.
The launch of: "The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties" by Paul Collier.
E. D. Hirsch (Founder, Core Knowledge Foundation and Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia) spoke at Policy Exchange on Forging A Common Language Community in Education: towards smarter, fairer and more unified countries. The event included a Vote of Thanks by Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards. Download text. About E. D. Hirsch E. D. Hirsch is the founder of the Core Knowledge Foundation, and recently retired as professor of education and […]
About the event The UK energy system is undergoing a transformation towards a decarbonised, decentralised, and digitalised future. According to research by the Carbon Trust and Imperial College London, a smart flexible electricity grid could help the UK cut carbon more cheaply, saving up to £40bn between now and 2050. The National Infrastructure Commission concluded that a “smart power revolution“, making use of interconnectors to other countries, flexible demand and electricity storage, […]
A discussion to mark the launch of “Oceans Ventured: Winning the Cold War at Sea” – the new book by former US Secretary of the Navy John Lehman.
Hon Michael Chertoff, Former US Secretary of Homeland Security in conversation with Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, Former UK Home Secretary to discuss his new book Exploding Data: Reclaiming Our Cyber Security in the Digital Age.
Marking the launch of a new paper, Policy Exchange invites you to a panel discussion on "Is Britain's Growth Model Broken – and Can Brexit Help to Fix It?" The paper's author Dr Christopher Bickerton will introduce his research, followed by a panel discussion including the former Permanent Secretary to the Treasury Lord Macpherson of Earl's Court.
Policy Exchange invites you to Zoran Zaev (Prime Minister of Macedonia) on "Why NATO Membership is critical for North Macedonia" followed by Q&A.
The launch of our new report The Future of Carbon Pricing: Implementing an independent carbon tax with dividends in the UK.
United Arab Emirates Minister of State for Foreign Affairs His Excellency Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash spoke at Policy Exchange on “The Role of the Arab Gulf in Building Peace in the Middle East”.
The new Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government set out his priorities for making the housing market work. In his first speech on housing Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP outlined his vision for strengthening communities and building the homes Britain needs.
Secretary of State for International Development Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt MP and Brigadier John Deverell spoke on the strategic role of soft power, outlining how her vision for the future of UK development policy applies in the context of civilian–military cooperation, the interplay between hard and soft power, and the importance of development’s role alongside defence and diplomacy.
Adam Smith is now widely regarded as ‘the father of modern economics’ and the most influential economist who ever lived. But what he really thought, and what the implications of his ideas are, remain fiercely contested. Jesse Norman MP’s book shows how, far from being a doctrinaire ‘libertarian’ or ‘neoliberal’ thinker, Smith offers an evolutionary theory of political economy, which balances the roles of markets and the state.
At a time of growing international instability, the Five Eyes intelligence arrangements (which brings the UK together with the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand) is of vital important to the security of Britain and its allies. While questions are being raised over the long-term future of NATO, Five Eyes represents another crucial pillar of our national security - mitigating threats from hostile states, terrorism, and other non state actors. Why does the continuation of the Five Eyes matter and what can be done to support and enhance it for the challenges ahead?
The UK Climate Change Act went through Parliament 10 years ago with cross-party support – marking a political consensus on climate action that has continued ever since and serving as an international template.
Media Registration – 8.00am Event close- 11.00am Policy Exchange invites you to listen to The Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu in conversation with author and biographer William Shawcross CVO. Places for this event are strictly limited; you must register by 9am on Wednesday 6th June. A pool will be required for broadcast cameras. Photo ID will be required to attend. No bags will be permitted and airport-style security will be in […]
In his only public appearance on his UK visit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed by William Shawcross at Policy Exchange. Deeming the Iran nuclear deal 'defunct', the Prime Minister said that a realignment was taking place in the Middle East, with relations improving between Israel and Sunni nations. He also had words of praise for Presidents Trump and Obama.
In a wide ranging speech at Policy Exchange this morning, Environment Secretary Michael Gove challenged think tanks and politicians to tackle today’s economic problems, saying that “while capitalism has brought both growth and progress in the past, it is not delivering now.”
Launching his new book, The Muslim Brotherhood and the West: A History of Enmity and Engagement, Policy Exchange's Co-head of Extremism and Security Dr Martyn Frampton, provided an overview of the charged relationship between one of the world’s largest political Islamist movements and the Western powers. He was joined for a discussion by chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee Tom Tugendhat MP and Sir John Jenkins, former British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
Amanda Spielman, HM Chief Inspector for Education, Children’s Services and Skills, spoke at Policy Exchange on “Ties that Bind: British Values, citizenship and the role of education as social glue”.
In his valedictory speech as Chief of the Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach reflected on the unprecedented range of threats faced by the United Kingdom and the commitments undertaken by the armed forces around the world. He said he was “deeply uncomfortable” about the prosecution of veterans for their past service, an area of work pioneered by Policy Exchange in The Fog of Law. He called for greater flexibility around armed forces careers and more focus on engineering and modern languages.
"US foreign policy under Donald Trump: The scorecard so far" with Professor Walter Russell Mead, Hudson Institute Distinguished Fellow, Wall Street Journal columnist, historian and one of America’s leading writers on foreign policy.
Policy Exchange hosted a major conference considering the future of the Union, with keynote speeches from Ruth Davidson, Michael Gove, Arlene Foster, Brandon Lewis, Alistair Darling, Jim Murphy and Theresa Villiers. In bringing together speakers from different parties, different nations and opposite sides of the Brexit debate, we demonstrated that unionism can be the bridge between the different elements in our divided society.
The first launch of Sir Paul Tucker's new book Unelected Power: The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State. Sir Paul introduced the book, and followed this with a panel discussion and Q&A.
The Government has chosen the space industry as one of the first six key challenges to be targeted by the new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, with £100 million of funding for a new National Satellite Testing Facility. At the same time, the Government has launched a new series of grants to support the development of new spaceports, while the Space Industry Act aims to reduce regulatory barriers to commercial spaceflight.
What can the UK learn, if anything, from the Swiss relationship with the EU? Policy Exchange Head of Demography, Immigration and Integration David Goodhart chaired an event at which this was discussed by Sir Ivan Rogers, Former Permanent Representative of the UK to the EU; Professor Michael Ambuhl, Former Swiss State Secretary and lead negotiator for Switzerland's agreement with the EU; and Allie Renison, Head of Europe and Trade Policy, Institute of Directors.
Policy Exchange welcomed Siv Jensen, Norwegian Finance Minister and leader of the Progress Party, who said that British and Norwegian views on the single market in financial services have often been aligned and reflected on the challenges for monetary policy, including the lowering of inflation targets and an increase in interest rates to ensure credit risk is appropriately priced. Singling out the housing market, she argued that home ownership is cherished by people in both Norway and Britain – and that a balanced approach to regulation is required to avoid asset booms (and busts).
The Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE MP’s first major keynote speech as Secretary of State for Defence Places for this event will be allocated, and in high demand. Please fill in the form below to apply for your place. If you require step-free access please let us know in advance by emailing
Policy Exchange's Making Good on Global Britain conference culminated in a discussion between General David H Petraeus (Ret.), former Commander of United States Central Command and former Director of the CIA, and Hon Alexander Downer AC, Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, who explored the theme of hard and soft power from their unique perspectives.
Policy Exchange is delighted to host a lunch with General David H Petraeus (Ret.) in conversation with Hon Alexander Downer AC, Australian High Commissioner to United Kingdom The discussion will cover the topic of: “Hearts and Minds” in an era of isolationism The lunch will be the conclusion of a conference following the publication of three reports examining Britain’s international role in a post Brexit world – and how to address the new isolationism. Spaces […]
Policy Exchange is delighted to host a conference following the publication of three reports examining Britain’s international role in a post Brexit world – and how to address the new isolationism. The conference will focus on the role that the UK can play as an outwardly focused nation and global leader in defence, science, trade and development, and will particularly explore the ways in which hard and soft power can […]
Policy Exchange was delighted to host the keynote valedictory speech of Hon Alexander Downer as High Commissioner of Australia. Mr Downer praised British leadership in responding to Russia, saying “Not only did the British Government react robustly to the chemical weapons attack in Salisbury but it has brought to bear the power of Britain to corral the great network of Western allies at long last to stand up to Russian intransigence”. He also reflected on the opportunities for free trade after Brexit. Mr Downer is Policy Exchange’s incoming Chairman.
The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, set out his vision for a liberal Brexit in a speech given at Policy Exchange.
The acute threat we face from terrorism will only be tackled when the whole of society understands and responds to the chronic threat from extremism, says Mark Rowley in his keynote valedictory address as Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police for Specialist Operations and National Lead for Counter Terrorism Policing delivered at Policy Exchange.
The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Rt Hon Liz Truss MP, made the case for the free market in an event at Policy Exchange. Truss said that free enterprise has huge economic benefits, driving down prices and creating growth and jobs, and is intensely democratic and open, breaking down monopolies, hierarchies and outdated practices.
In his new study for Policy Exchange’s Judicial Power Project, Sir Noel Malcolm considers European Human Rights law and finds it wanting. This event addresed Sir Noel’s critique of European Human Rights law – and his robust conclusion that the UK ought to withdraw from the Convention. Above all it examined his new approach to the nature of human rights and the place they ought to have in our constitution.
18:00 – Registration 18:30 – Start 19:30 – End Policy Exchange invites you to: North Korea: Is There A Military Option To Counter The Threat? with Lieutenant General (Ret.) I.-B. Chun, Former Commander, South Korea Special Warfare Command Lieutenant General I.-B. Chun is one of the most decorated officers in South Korea’s military history. He retired in July 2016 as deputy commander of the First South Korean Army – after commanding the country’s Special […]
Policy Exchange welcomed Nick Boles and Tim Montgomerie to discuss how the housing crisis should be addressed. As part of his series on how the Conservatives can recapture the initiative, Nick Boles MP – founding Director of Policy Exchange – has written on how the Government can build the number of homes needed. This timely event explored the themes identified by Nick Boles and considered whether the latest policies announced in the Budget will achieve the stated aims.
With 9 million people reporting that they are always or often lonely, as a society have we structured loneliness into our lives? Loneliness can be triggered by moments of transition that can happen to us all: the birth of a child, retirement, relationship breakdown, being a newcomer to this country, returning from serving in our armed forces, starting university, moving home, bereavement. The places where we came together – like churches, pubs and the workplace – have changed out of all recognition. Many of our connections have been turned into transactions. Rachel Reeves MP, Co-Chair of the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, set out what the Commission has learned and gave her thoughts on how we can create a less lonely world. Neil O’Brien OBE MP responded, with the discussion chaired by Daily Mirror Columnist Ros Wynne-Jones.
How can the UK ensure that it is competitive post Brexit? Dominic Raab MP joined an expert panel to offer answers to this question which will have a significant impact upon the wealth of the country following Brexit. This event marked the launch of Everyone has a part to play: Improving the UK’s competitiveness post-Brexit by enhancing the rule of law, a new report from Linklaters on this once-in-a-generation opportunity to reinforce the rule of law and hence the UK’s economic competitiveness and prosperity.
Policy Exchange invites you to a discussion of the role of business energy productivity in delivering clean growth. Despite policymakers actively considering what to do next, there is still a need for significant thinking to progress from the generic barriers identified to the concrete policy recommendations set out in this report.