Press coverage ahead of the launch of Policy Exchange’s new ‘Clean Brexit’ report

The Sunday Times comments that:

‘May will get a boost from a paper published today by the think tank Policy Exchange that recommends a “clean Brexit”. Written by the economists Gerard Lyons and Liam Halligan, it advises May to offer the EU tariff-free trade but prepare for failure, arguing that the UK will still prosper with tariffs set by the World Trade Organ­isation.’

The Sunday Telegraph comments that:

‘A report from the think tank Policy Exchange published on Monday endorses leaving the customs union, noting that 85 per cent of the world economy will soon be found outside the EU.’

The Sun on Sunday comments that:

‘The economic argument for quitting both EU trade groups was also backed by top economists Gerard Lyons and Liam Halligan. In a study for the Policy Exchange think tank, they warned long-winded talks over migration and single market access would lead to “a disastrous stalemate”.’


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