Richard Howard

Richard Howard
Richard Howard joined Policy Exchange in 2014 as Head of the Environment & Energy Unit. He has since produced a number of influential reports on topics including: energy policy and regulation, new energy technologies, fuel poverty, waste management, air quality, and industrial strategy. Richard has more than 10 years’ experience in energy and environmental policy, economics, and government affairs. His last role was as Chief Economist at The Crown Estate, and prior to that he worked as an economic consultant. He has a BSc in Economics from the University of Bristol and an MSc in Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy from Cardiff University, where he has been a visiting lecturer since 2009.

Related News

Policy Exchange wins prize as best UK think on Energy and Environment issues

At the prestigious annual Prospect Think Tank of the Year Awards, Policy Exchange has won best UK think tank in the Energy and Environment category.

Policy Exchange’s Richard Howard discusses energy price rises on BBC Radio 4

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s Head of Environment and Energy, discusses energy price rises and his recommendations for a relative model rather an absolute cap on energy prices, on BBC Radio 4's You and Yours

Government ‘must do more to help vulnerable households this winter’

Together, a decade of loose public spending, fiscal stimulus and the aftermath of the financial crisis left Britain with the highest deficit in its post war history at 10.2% of GDP. Even half a decade later, that deficit is only half closed, and remains high internationally. Budgeting for Balance looks at the experience of fiscal consolidation so far, and how to approach the remainder of the task.

London Air Pollution Became a Major Issue in Its Mayoral Race

Time's report on Air Pollution and the London mayoral election quotes Richard Howard, head of Policy Exchange’s Environment and Energy unit.

MPs: UK air pollution is a 'public health emergency'

Richard Howard, head of Policy Exchange’s Environment and Energy unit, is quoted by the Guardian on a new report by MPs on measures to clean up air pollution.

Londoners would live a month longer with cleaner air’

The Evening Standard report on the Policy Exchange Environment and Energy Unit's report "Up in the Air: How to solve London's air quality crisis - Part 2".

Call for pollution tax on sales of new diesel cars in Britain

The Guardian cites Richard Howard's, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment and Energy, recommendations to put a £800 pollution tax on the sale of new diesel cars and reduce air pollution.

Pay more stamp duty if you buy a draughty home, think-tank proposes

The Daily Telegraph covers Policy Exchange's launch of Richard Howard's, Head of Environment and Energy, new report Efficient Energy Policy, and how homeowners can save money by improving their home energy efficiency.

Report calls for lower stamp duty on UK's energy-efficient homes

The Guardian cites Richard Howard's, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment and Energy, recommendations in his report Efficient Energy Policy including a call to the stamp duty on energy efficient homes.

The truth about London's air pollution

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s Head of Environment and Energy, is quoted by The Guardian stating action is needed at EU level to set and enforce tough vehicle emissions standards, at national level to reform tax incentives for diesels, and at local authority level to create low emissions zones.

Tackle cold homes, ministers told

BBC News covers the Rt Hon David Cameron's speech on prison reform held at Policy Exchange.

Smog 'red alert' forces schools to close in Beijing

The TES cites findings from Policy Exchange's recent report on air pollution - Up in the Air- that 25% of London's schoolchildren attend schools in areas with air pollution above legal limits.

Mayor Boris still lagging on carbon targets, warns London Assembly

BusinessGreen cites findings from Policy Exchange's new report Up In the Airthat more than 30% of London's schools are in areas with air pollution levels above the legal limit, and that more deprived areas are more likely to be afflicted.

Revealed: The inner London schools where children breathe toxic air

The Evening Standard covers Policy Exchange's new Up In the Air report, which reveals the extent of air pollution in London. The report shows that 12.5% of London suffers from NO2 levels above legal limits, an area which includes 25% of London's schoolchildren and 44% of its workforce.

Richard Howard discusses energy bills on You and Yours

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, is interviewed on You and Yours discussing the effect changes in government energy policy will have on energy bills.

Energy efficiency scheme cut as Osborne announces next phase of green policy shake-up

BusinessGreen cites comments by Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, that the new energy efficiency scheme announced in the Spending Review is not nearly sufficient to tackle fuel poverty.

Gas prices to stay low for the rest of the decade, Government forecasts

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, is quoted by The Telegraph commenting on government forecasts that wholesale gas and electricity prices will remain low for the next few years. He warned that low prices will undermine investment in new gas power stations.

Red tape, regulation and quangos cost energy companies 'at least £600m a year' - and it's households who foot the bill

The Daily Mail covers Governing Power, Policy Exchange's new report looking at how to improve the administration of the energy industry. The report highlights the overly complicated governance structure for the industry, with more than 30 bodies, many with overlapping functions, overseeing energy companies.

Ministers urged to cut £500m from energy bills by having ‘quango bonfire’

The Sun covers Governing Power, Policy Exchange's new report looking at how the energy industry is run. The report highlights the unnecessary complexity of the system, with more than 30 bodies, many with overlapping functions and with a total cost of more than £500m, all playing a role.

Government should radically overhaul energy regulation

City AM reports calls from Policy Exchange's report Governing Power, which highlights the unneccessary complexity of the energy industry and how simplifying and consolidating it could save hundreds of millions of pounds.

How cutting red tape in the energy system could accelerate UK's low-carbon transition

BusinessGreen covers Policy Exchange's new report Governing Power. The report shows how the level of complexity involved in running the UK's energy industry is acting as a barrier to growth and innovation in the sector, and has pushed up administrative costs to more than £500m.

Richard Howard at the Environmental Audit Committee

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, appears in front of the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee to discuss privatisation of the Green Investment Bank.

Related Publications

Farming Tomorrow

This major new Policy Exchange report sets out the once in a generation opportunity that Brexit offers our nation to reform its agricultural and environmental policy. Since 1973, UK farm and food policies have conformed to the rules and objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) — the EU’s principal policy programme. Doing so has, at great expense, reduced Britain’s agricultural productivity by lessening competition and supporting inefficient farmers. It has also increased costs for consumers. This report outlines opportunities to improve policy by focusing on four main interest groups: consumers, producers, the wider rural economy, and the environment. This report offers timely and comprehensive analysis and answers to some of the most pressing policy questions of our day.

Driving down emissions: How to clean up road transport?

In this major new report — by Policy Exchange's Head of Energy and Environment, Richard Howard, alongside Matt Rooney, Zoe Begherbi, and David Charlesworth — the case is set out that the Government must take more action now to tackle the twin problems of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from road transport. Amongst other key findings, the report's analysis reveals that hitting carbon targets will leave a £9-23 billion p.a. hole in tax receipts by 2030, and that official estimates of vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency are highly misleading.

Going Round in Circles: Developing a new approach to waste policy following Brexit

Brexit presents a huge opportunity for the UK Government to develop a new approach to waste and resources policy. Rather than adopting the EU’s proposed 'Circular Economy Package’, which would cost British businesses an extra £2 billion over the next twenty years, the British government should use Brexit to define our own approach.

The New Industrial Strategy

This scoping paper — written by Policy Exchange Economic and Social Policy Research Fellow, Jonathan Dupont, and Head of Environment and Energy, Richard Howard — looks at the big questions surrounding a new Industrial Strategy

Next Steps for the Carbon Price Floor

In this new report, Richard Howard — Policy Exchange's Head of Energy and Environment — urges the government to provide clarity about the future of the Carbon Price Support in the forthcoming Autumn Statement

Power 2.0: Building a smarter, greener, cheaper electricity system

New Policy Exchange report sets out the economic and environmental case for creating a smarter power system, using clean technologies such as battery storage and demand response.

Too Hot to Handle?

Richard Howard, Head of Environment and Energy, warns that the previous Government’s plan to install electric heat pumps in 4 out of 5 homes is a colossal waste of money, and sets out an alternative strategy to decarbonise heating.

Up in the Air: How to solve London’s air quality crisis – Part 2

Up in the Air: Part 2 sets out a comprehensive package of measures to clean up air pollution in London, in particular focusing on the two main sources of pollution – road transport and gas combustion.

Efficient Energy Policy

Efficient Energy Policy states home-buyers would be encouraged to buy more energy efficient properties if Stamp Duty was directly linked to the energy performance of a home. The report argues that promoting home energy efficiency could not only reduce energy bills, but is also one of the cheapest ways to cut carbon emissions.

Up In the Air: How to solve London’s air quality crisis - Part 1

Nearly 25% of all school children in London and 44% of the Capital’s workforce are exposed to levels of air pollution that exceed legal and healthy limits. Up in the Air analyses data from over 100 air quality monitoring sites across London. It shows the most polluted parts of the capital currently have levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) nearly four times the legal limit, with 12.5% of London's total area exceeding the legal limit for NO2, and that deprived areas are more likely to be affected.

Governing Power: Improving the administration of the energy industry in Great Britain

DECC could save hundreds of millions of pounds and promote more competition and innovation among energy companies by sweeping away swathes of energy quangos at the Spending Review. Currently more than 30 bodies, many with overlapping functions and with an annual cost of £600m a year, govern energy policy, regulations and rules.

Powering Up: The future of onshore wind in the UK

Onshore wind is the most cost effective and scaleable low carbon technology in the UK and should be allowed to continue, albeit with subsidies phased out, if the government wants to decarbonise at least cost to the consumer.

The Customer is Always Right: Putting consumers back at the heart of UK energy policy

For too long policymakers have failed to strike the right balance between energy affordability and decarbonising the economy. Ill thought through energy and climate policies have added £120 to the average household energy bill over the past five years. While reducing carbon emissions remains critical, if the government wants to retain support for this goal it must focus on carrying it out in a way that reduces the price of energy bills.

Warmer Homes: Improving fuel poverty and energy efficiency policy in the UK

Warmer Homes presents a character profile of the 2.3 million households in England living in fuel poverty. Among the findings in the report is the fact that nearly half of all fuel poor households (1.1m) are in work, challenging the perception that fuel poverty primarily involves the elderly and retired.

Related Blogs

Clean Growth: How can we improve business energy efficiency?

Policy Exchange's Energy and Environment unit announces the launch of its new project looking at the opportunities for and barriers to boosting business energy efficiency. Richard Howard and Joshua Burke set out the context for this project, and identify the important questions they will seek to answer.

How can Government and regulators keep up with disruptive innovation?

Policy Exchange’s Head of Energy and Environment, Richard Howard and Economic & Social Policy Research Fellow, Jonathan Dupont, report on a roundtable Policy Exchange hosted this week with politicians, regulators and leading businesses to look at some of the pressing questions concerning disruptive innovation and regulation.

Is it the end of the road for the combustion engine?

Richard Howard — Policy Exchange’s Head of Energy and Environment — responds to Volvo's announcement that it will only sell electric and hybrid vehicles from 2019 and the news that France is to ban the sales of new petrol and diesel cars by 2040. He asks whether this marks the beginning of the end for the combustion engine.

Cutting road transport emissions could cost billions in lost taxes

In a major new report released today, Driving Down Emissions, Richard Howard — Policy Exchange’s Head of Energy and Environment — argues that the Government must take more assertive action to tackle the twin problems of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution from road transport.

Energy price cap should be relative, not absolute

Writing in The Telegraph, Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment and Energy, concludes Theresa May should look at a relative model rather an absolute cap on energy prices

Revamping the Green Deal: putting consumers at the heart of a new home improvement programme

In this blog, Richard Howard, Head of Environment and Energy, discusses the opportunity to revamp the Green Deal energy efficiency loan scheme, following the sale of the scheme to the private sector earlier this year. This blog is a write up of a Policy Exchange roundtable which took place in February 2017 involving policymakers, energy companies, and consumer groups

EU waste diktat could cost Britain £2 billion

“EU waste diktat could cost Britain £2 billion”. That is the headline from a new report published by Policy Exchange today, 'Going Round in Circles'. The report provides a critical review of European and UK policies concerning waste and recycling.

Putting resource productivity at the heart of the UK’s industrial strategy

Richard Howard — Policy Exchange’s Head of Energy and Environment — responds to the Government’s eagerly-awaited green paper on developing a new Industrial Strategy. He also summarises the key points from Policy Exchange’s roundtable discussion featuring leading manufacturers.

Policy Exchange welcomes Government’s Industrial Strategy

The Government has launched the first details of its long-awaited Modern Industrial Strategy with the publication of a Green Paper. It shares much of Policy Exchange's analysis

The Folly of Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon

If ever there was a textbook example of how to go about Government lobbying and project development, then it is the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon project. The developer, Tidal Lagoon Power, has done a frankly incredible job of promoting the project to policymakers and financiers. The project has gone from an interesting idea on paper a few years ago, to being backed financially by investment bank Macquarie amongst others, to […]

Forging a New Industrial Strategy for Britain

Richard Howard — Policy Exchange's Head of Energy and Environment — and Jonathan Dupont — Economic and Social Policy Research Fellow — argue that a new industrial strategy is 'about creating a British economy which is innovative and competitive, which benefits everyone'. This piece first appeared on CapX

Power 2.0: the Policy Exchange “Smart Power” report in 7 key charts

Yesterday marked the launch of a new Policy Exchange report, Power 2.0, on how to build a smarter, greener, cheaper electricity system. The report argues that in order to further decarbonise the power system and integrate renewables, it is essential that we also create a smarter, more flexible power system to manage intermittent power supplies. Failure to do so could significantly increase the cost of decarbonising the power system and […]

How to fix the ‘dysfunctional’ energy market

Policy Exchange's Head of Energy and Environment, Richard Howard, discusses seeming 'desire on the part of the new Government to intervene in energy markets in order to secure a better deal for consumers'.

Smart Power: How to build a smarter, more flexible power system

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment and Energy, previews this year's conference events on the topic of "smart power".

Is Sadiq Khan’s air pollution plan fair and proportionate?

In my recent report on air pollution in London, I argued that the new Mayor of London needs to create and deliver a more ambitious plan to clean up London’s air. At the same time, I recommended that this should be done in ways which do not unduly penalise local residents and businesses; that coordinated action is needed at London, national and European level to tackle the problem; and that […]

6 New Technologies Which Could Improve Urban Air Quality

In this blog, Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s head of environment and energy, considers the potential for a number of emerging technologies to improve urban air quality.

At a glance: how do the London Mayoral candidates’ air pollution proposals stack up?

Following on from our recent reports on air pollution in London, this blog provides a detailed comparison of the Mayoral candidates’ policies to clean up London’s air.

Responding to Demands: how can the UK deliver a “smart power” system

Policy Exchange launches Responding to Demands, a new project which will explore how to unlock “smart power” technologies such as storage and demand response.

A Ten Point Plan to Clean up London’s Air

To mark the publication of our new report Up in the Air: Part 2, Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s Head of Environment and Energy, sets out a ten point plan to solve London’s air pollution crisis.

Use fiscal policies to drive away from diesel and clean up air pollution

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Energy and Environment, discusses recommendations for a higher road tax on new diesel cars to improve air quality.

Use the housing market to drive an energy efficiency revolution

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s Head of Environment and Energy, argues that the best way to drive home energy efficiency is to structurally embed it into the housing market, as proposed in a new report Efficient Energy Policy.

Why London needs a boiler scrappage scheme

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s Head of Environment & Energy, looks at the prospect of a boiler scrappage scheme, and argues the ambition of the scheme should be increased.

How low can you go? The impact of oil at $30 a barrel and falling…

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange’s Head of Environment and Energy, looks at the impact of falling oil and gas prices on the UK economy, and energy and environmental policy.

Post-Paris priorities: the end of unabated coal

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, argues that, whilst the UK's plans to phase out coal power generation will deliver significant decarbonisation for relatively little cost, the challenge of maintaining security of supply as the coal fleet retires will be large.

Why we must do more to tackle London's air pollution crisis

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, sets out the findings from our new report on air pollution in London, Up In the Air. The report reveals that 25% of London's school children, and 44% of London's workers spend their day in areas with NO2 levels above legal limits.

The case for tackling London’s air pollution crisis

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, sets out the legal, moral, health and fairness cases from his new report Up In the Air for doing more to combat air pollution in London.

Richard Howard reviews Amber Rudd's energy policy reset speech

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, reviews energy secretary Amber Rudd's recent speech on resetting energy policy. The most significant announcements included plans to phase out coal generation by 2025 and the government's willingness to support up to 10GW of additional offshore wind capacity.

Where next for UK energy policy? We’re about to find out…

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, sets out what energy secretary Amber Rudd should say in her forthcoming "energy policy reset" speech.

What exactly is ‘subsidy free’ onshore wind?

Following up on his recent report Powering Up, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment and Energy Richard Howard writes about what 'subsidy free' onshore wind might mean in reality.

The truth about energy bills?

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, responds to dissenting views on his new report The Customer is Always Right, which criticised governmental overspend on renewable energy subsidies and argued that government must focus on keeping bills down.

Additional Policy Exchange analysis of Summer Budget 2015

Policy Exchange takes a more detailed look at the Summer Budget, including: the impact of the Living Wage; the reduced pace of departmental spending cuts; the fundamental shift in welfare policy; what awaits Housing Associations; and the impact of changes to energy levies.

Dear Energy Secretary: I’m afraid to tell you there really is NO money…

Using new OBR figures from the Summer Budget, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy Richard Howard reveals that DECC has not only overspent it's budget for renewable energy subsidies, but has also overspent the 20% of headroom allocated for any overspend as well.

CMA report splits the difference between Conservative and Labour energy policy

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, responds to the CMA's report on its investigation into the energy market.

When is a government bank not a government bank?

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, comments on the government's announcement that it wishes to part-privatise the Green Investment Bank. Whilst such a move may make things easier for the Bank, Richard questions whether the Bank would not just become the same as any other commercial bank, in which case why retain a stake at all?

Dear Energy Secretary, I'm afraid to tell you there is no money….

Richard Howard, Head of Policy Exchange's Environment and Energy unit, argues that the Department for Energy and Climate Change has underestimated the cost of energy policies with drastic consequences for future budgets. With reference to data from an upcoming Policy Exchange report, Richard shows that DECC needs to adapt rapidly to avoid being unable to fund future projects.

3 things we learnt from Policy Exchange’s big energy debate on the future of the energy market

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, reviews our recent Return of the State event, looking at the role of the state in the energy sector. He argues that, after a long period of minimal interference, the state is now back in the sector, and for good.

Budget 2015: Policy Exchange Analysis

Policy Exchange responds to announcements in Budget 2015 in the areas of government spending, capital ownership, housing and energy policy.

What can we learn from the renewables CfD auction results?

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, looks at the results of the government's renewable energy auction. Whilst far superior to what came before, Richard shows how the process can be improved further.

Will greater competition or greater intervention fix the energy market? What can we learn from the CMA report?

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, looks at the main findings from the recent CMA report into the energy market and uses them to critique the conflicting approaches between the Coalition and Labour as to how to fix it.

A new model for delivery of energy efficiency measures?

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, sets out how we can improve the delivery of energy efficiency schemes such as ECO and the Green Deal.

4 ways government can reduce the cost of renewables support

Following the first auctions for renewable energy subsidy, Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, looks at how the auctions can be improved in order to bring down the cost of renewable energy generation.

3 reasons why government is underestimating the cost of supporting renewables

Following the first auctions for renewable energy subsidy, Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, unpicks some of the assumptions made by DECC in assessing the cost of the new Contract for Difference mechanism.

Six facts about fuel poverty

Richard Howard, Policy Exchange's Head of Environment & Energy, sets out 6 key facts on fuel poverty from our new report Warmer Homes. Richard reveals that the UK's housing is woefully inefficient compared to our European neighbours, that the most inefficient households could have to pay £1700 a year to adequately heat their homes, and that 1.1m fuel poor households are actually in work.