Rory Geoghegan
Crime & Justice Research Fellow, 2011-2013
Future of Corrections shows that the current system of tagging is in desperate need of reform. A more effective use of tagging, where police and probation officers are directly involved in keeping track of offenders and recommending to prison governors and the courts which criminals should be tagged, could save hundreds of millions of pounds and help the Coalition achieve its goal of stabilising the prison population by 2015.
Since 2001 police funding has surged by a quarter in real terms but this investment has not transformed police performance. Taxpayers have spent at least £500m since 2006 in extra employment costs for over 7,000 police officers who have a uniform, but who are hidden away in back offices rather than policing. Cost of the Cops shows how the police can increase numbers of officers on front line duties at a time of when the police budget is shrinking.
Inside Job maps out what real work in prison should look like and what needs to change in the current prison system to make it a reality.
Police Overtime Expenditure examines the significant variance in overtime between police forces in England & Wales.
Rory Geoghegan, Crime & Justice Research Fellow at Policy Exchange, argues that newly elected Police & Crime Commissioners will face tough challenges when they take on the role, but stressed that talented candidates will have the potential to make a real difference to the lives of the public.
Rory Geoghegan, Research Fellow for Crime & Justice at Policy Exchange, argues that the electronic monitoring of criminals is being undermined by the nature of the MOJ's procurement contracts. Rory suggests that a localised system where multiple suppliers can offer local law enforcement agencies the technology they need could save the taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds.
Rory Geoghegan, Crime and Justice Research Fellow at Policy Exchange, blogs for the National Policing Improvement Agency on his experience of foot patrol as a Special Constable, stressing the importance of community foot patrol in building trust with the public and deterring crime.