Andrew Gilligan
Senior Fellow and Head of Transport, Infrastructure and Liveable London
Andrew Gilligan is a Senior Fellow and Head of Transport, Infrastructure and Liveable London at Policy Exchange. He was a policy adviser on transport and infrastructure to the Prime Minister from 2019 to 2022 and also advised Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP as Mayor of London (2013-16). Previously he was a senior correspondent of The Sunday Times and had also served as head of the Capital City Foundation at Policy Exchange. Between 2013 and 2016 he also worked as cycling commissioner for London.
Download Publication Online Reader As rail fares go up again this week, we propose something that would both ease the pain and address four of the government’s wider priorities: tackling the cost of living; getting people back into the labour market; getting existing workers back into the office; and meeting the UK’s net-zero pledge. Commuters by bike or low-emission car can already save hundreds or thousands of pounds a year […]
Download Publication Online Reader This report documents the declining order and increasing squalor in the immediate vicinity of the Palace of Westminster in recent years. Violent crime has risen two and a half times faster in the streets around Parliament than in London as a whole, and three times faster than in Westminster borough as a whole. The report documents how police have allowed serious potential security threats to develop […]
Download Publication Online Reader Junior doctors in England are currently being balloted on whether to proceed with a 72hr strike in March in pursuit of a 30 per cent pay rise. The ballot comes amid significant inflationary pressures throughout the economy and upon the NHS. Dissatisfaction amongst many in the medical profession over pay and working conditions is genuine and long-felt. But there is another factor which explains the […]
Download Publication Online Reader In this week’s Budget, the government reportedly plans to achieve £54bn per year of fiscal tightening – £33bn from spending cuts, £21bn from tax increases – by 2027/28. Few of the choices are palatable. Many are awful. But at least one would actually be popular. Scaling back HS2 could alone deliver almost a tenth of the spending cuts required, £3bn per year by 2027/28, […]
As the RMT announced three new rail strike dates, earlier this week, one of the Truss adminstration’s last acts was to announce a plan to impose “minimum service levels,” MSLs, in future industrial action on the railways. I helped develop the MSL policy in government, but I and the ministers I served were always clear that it needed to be part of a wider package, not the main focus. MSLs […]