The Rotherham Grooming Scandal and the Creators of the Islamophobia Definition

February 26, 2025

The British Government is being urged to adopt a highly-contested definition of Islamophobia developed by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims. This short research note deals specifically with links between the APPG and the grooming scandal in Rotherham. One key individual on the APPG’s staff, Muhbeen Hussain, closely involved in the report which developed the definition, is from Rotherham. He played a prominent, and to many in the town deeply unhelpful, part in events around the scandal – leading a boycott of the police in Rotherham for “scapegoating” Muslims – although there is no suggestion he is himself guilty of any crime.

The launch of this research note was covered by:

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Andrew Gilligan

Senior Fellow and Head of Transport, Infrastructure and Liveable London

Dr Paul Stott

Head of Security and Extremism

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