Knowledge and the Curriculum: A collection of essays to accompany E. D. Hirsch’s lecture at Policy Exchange
The influence of E. D. Hirsch on educational thinking has been profound, and most of the curriculum changes in recent years can be attributed to his work. At its heart is the idea that returning to a traditional, academic curriculum built on shared knowledge is the best way to achieve social justice in society. His work has also encouraged schools to focus on the concept of building cultural capital as a way to close the attainment gap. Knowledge and the Curriculum includes pieces from many of today’s great thinkers in education. Our contributors include experts in policy, classroom practice and assessment. In their essays they consider the impact Hirsch’s thinking has had so far, and also suggest how his work can continue to drive improvements in our schools in the years ahead.
“Essential reading if you care about education”
Joel Klein, former Chancellor of New York City Department for Education