Green skies thinking: Promoting the development and commercialisation of sustainable bio-jet fuels
By Ben Caldecott, Sean Tooze
Our report recommends the wide-scale deployment of sustainable bio-jet fuels which would result in emission reductions worth £37.41 billion in the UK between 2020 and 2050, as well as making a significant contribution to meeting the UK’s 2050 emission reduction target. We also set out how the UK can become a world leader in this important suite of technologies.
Green Skies Thinking recommends the setting of achievable and enforceable targets for replacing standard kerosene jet fuel with bio-jet fuel from 2020, through the implementation of an EU-wide Sustainable Bio-jet Fuel Blending Mandate. This would result in reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from the UK and EU aviation sectors of 15% in 2020 and 60% in 2050 relative to current predictions.