2020 Hindsight: Does the renewable energy target help the UK decarbonise?
2020 Hindsight examines 16 different plans for achieving the UK target of an 80% cut in carbon emissions by 2050. None of the models showed that the UK’s commitment to producing 35% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 was needed to reach its carbon target. The renewable target is unnecessarily expensive and damages the prospects for reducing carbon emissions over the coming decades by wasting money that could be better used to fund research and demonstration of a wide range of new, low carbon technologies. If the UK is to set a leading example to other countries around the world in tackling climate change, then policies need to be both effective in cutting carbon and economically affordable.
Research Impact
2020 Hindsight is on the reading list for students at France’s prestigious Sciences Po university: https://supportscoursenligne.sciences-po.fr/2011_2012/OAEN2040/pdf/OAEN2040_plan_cours.pdf
2020 Hindsight was referenced in the Environmental Audit Committee’s A Green Economy report: https://www.parliament.uk/documents/TSO-PDF/committee-reports/cmenvaud.1025.pdf