Caring middle fear losing their homes for social care

Amy Gray

Director of Communications. 2017 - 2020

  • 64% are worried about the effect that losing their home and other assets would have on their family If they required care in later life

New YouGov polling carried out for Policy Exchange shows the extent to which women, who have been identified as critical voters at this general election, worry about the impact of social care on their families and careers. As the major parties finalise their manifestoes, the polling shows that:

  • One in five (21%) women aged 35-55 have helped care for someone with long-term needs and nearly half (43%) of women in this group, know a close family member who has done this
  • 64% are worried about the effect that losing their home and other assets would have on their family If they required care in later life
  • 65% feel that the care system is too complicated too understand
  • 53% worry about the impact on their career if they were needed to take care a of a relative

Policy Exchange has called on all parties to make social care largely free at the point of use for those who need it, paid for from general taxation. Our polling in June revealed that social care is the second most important domestic issue for voters aged 35-55 after the NHS.

Policy Exchange’s Head of Health and Social Care Richard Sloggett said:

“Any political party’s social care proposals must address the concerns of the caring middle to truly fix the crisis and complete the welfare state. Whilst the NHS has a Long Term Plan and agreed funding increases, social care reform has been continually delayed by successive governments.

“In the 2010 and 2017 election, social care proposals from the then Government were attacked and subsequently shelved. This time could be different. The Opposition has published plans for free personal care for all over 65s and the Government has committed to fixing the system and ending the scandal of people having to sell their home to pay for care At Policy Exchange we have a simple solution – free social care for all who need it.

“This policy would address the concerns of the ‘caring middle’ and would be affordable at a cost of 0.5% of national income. The perceived wisdom is that social care reform is too difficult to propose and debate during an election cycle. This poll shows that it may actually be too important a political opportunity not to.”


Notes to Editors

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc.  Total sample size was 813 women aged 35-55 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 4th – 5th November 2019.  The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).