Monday 26th September 2022, 9:00 – 9:45
Going Green, Going Local
The Power of Local Leadership in Achieving Net Zero and Levelling Up
Green investment and green jobs are a huge opportunity for the UK economy. How can local leaders harness the opportunities green investment can create to build more prosperous local economies and Level Up their communities? How can Mayors use Net Zero opportunities to drive investment? What role does green infrastructure play in harnessing regional growth?

Monday 26th September 2022, 10:15 – 11:15
The impact of the war in Ukraine on Britain’s Armed Forces
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has provided a view of the future of warfare and modified the strategic balance on NATO’s eastern flank. The British Armed Forces must plan for a new strategic situation, in which Russia, despite retaining residual conventional strength, hybrid tools, and a relevant nuclear arsenal, is no longer capable of challenging the UK and NATO directly. Meanwhile, the Ukraine War has called into question a variety of traditional weapons systems, ranging from tanks to strike aircraft and large, ageing warships, while demonstrating the value of a nimble, distributed force, complete with small and large drones, networked sensors, long-range artillery, and mobile air defences. These lessons will reverberate far beyond Europe, and impact the strategies and force structures of every major power, including those of other major competitors, most critically China. We will discuss these strategic and technical issues, and their impact upon British military force structure and future development.

Monday 26th September 2022, 14:15 – 15:15
The Future of Transport
The great decarbonisation journey
The previous Government set an ambition to be a world-leader in green transport, rapidly cutting emissions from our roads, railways, seas and skies by 2050. The recent Transport Decarbonisation Plan sets out a high-level plan for how we will use our vehicles, trains, ships and planes differently. But decarbonisation is not just a technocratic process. It offers a unique opportunity to think out of the box to cut the cost of living, create cutting edge British technology and grow the UK economy.
Delivering on this opportunity will require a more ambitious set of actions from the new government that addresses some difficult questions. How the shift towards cleaner vehicles, electrification of the rail network and more sustainable aviation will change how people interact with the transport system and keep travel affordable? How should we approach transport regulation in a way that spreads economic opportunity across the country and creates a fairer society? This panel event will look at some of these key questions and debate what more we need to see over the coming years to deliver a radical transformation of our transport system.

Speakers Include:
- Andrew Gilligan, Former Transport Adviser to the Prime Minister
- Louise Haigh MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Transport
- Sarah Gates, Head of Public Policy, Wayve
- Matt Rooney, Head of the Engineering Policy Unit, IMechE
- Josh Buckland, Senior Fellow, Energy & Environment, Policy Exchange (Chair)
Monday 26th September 2022, 16:00 – 17:00
Reforming the Civil Service for a Labour Government
Comprehensive modernisation of government can no longer be treated as a worthy but non-essential pursuit, of secondary importance to the day-to-day problems facing the country. As Labour prepares for Government, it is essential to consider how Government may need to be reformed to deliver its plans and policies. This panel will consider:
- Reform of the Civil Service: How to improve Civil Service recruitment, training and skills? What can be done to enhance accountability for delivery and leadership of reform? Does the SCS (Senior Civil Service) have the leadership capability and specialist experience to run departments to meet the demands of this new century? How best to address excessive turnover and improve diversity across the Civil Service?
- The Machinery of Government and Cross- Government Working: Government must constantly manage complex and dynamic cross- cutting policy issues. Despite this, it is still structured according to narrow departmental ‘silos’. How to reform the strucutres of Government so that they are equipped for the 21st Century?
- Harnessing Digital, Data and Technology: How could a future Labour Government use technology to improve the delivery and accessibility of public services? Are Government departments doing enough to make use of data in decision-making? What can be done to improve data standards and data-sharing across Whitehall?
- Reform of Public Bodies and Public Appointments: The role of public bodies has developed significantly – are public bodies sufficiently transparent? Have departments retained sufficient expertise in specialist and technical areas? Are ministers sufficiently in control of public appointments and are these done well enough? Do Ministers have sufficient powers to direct the state in emergencies and times of crisis?

Speakers Include:
- Dame Meg Hillier DBE MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee
- Richard Lum, Partner, Newton
- Gabriel Pogrund, Whitehall Editor, The Sunday Times
- Rt Hon Lord Wood of Anfield, Former Shadow Minister without Portfolio
- Benjamin Barnard, Head of Government, Politics and Technology Policy, Policy Exchange (Chair)
Monday 26th September 2022, 17:15 – 18:15
The Future of Work
The UK labour market is undergoing a revolution, while also facing immense strain. Vacancies are at record highs, the non-participation rate is up, and new patterns of work are emerging. What role can employers play to offer workers better opportunities, and make the most of digital and flexible working? How can productivity be improved with new technology and more choice for workers? What is best practice, and how can the Government encourage it? These are key questions for the workplace in the 2020s, and ones that any Government will have to tackle head on.

Speakers Include:
- Rt Hon Jonathan Ashworth MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
- Kate Bell, Head of the Rights, International, Social and Economics department, Trades Union Congress
- Morgan Bone, Head of Corporate Affairs, Virgin Money
- Frances Lasok, Head of Talent and Skills Policy, the Coalition for a Digital Economy
- Doniya Soni-Clark, Policy Lead, Multiverse
- Connor MacDonald, Head of Economics and Social Policy, Policy Exchange (Chair)
Tuesday 27th September 2022, 10:15 – 11:00
Trusted to deliver? Labour’s plan for health and care
Labour achieved dramatic things on health and care whilst in power from 1997 to 2010. With waiting times headed in the wrong direction, fragility across the social care market, and deteriorating public satisfaction can the Party offer the same prescription? Would a nationalised care service, on similar terms to the NHS, offer part of the answer?

Speakers Include:
- Karin Smyth MP, Shadow Minister for Social Care
- Chris Smyth, Whitehall Editor, The Times
- Dr Charlotte Augst, Chief Executive, National Voices
- Iain MacBeath, ADASS Honorary Treasurer and Strategic Director, Health and Wellbeing for Bradford Council and Director of Integration for Bradford District Community NHS Trust
- Keiran Pedley, Research Director, Public Affairs, Ipsos
- Robert Ede, Head of Health and Social Care, Policy Exchange (Chair)
Tuesday 27th September 2022, 11:15 – 12:15
Tech for Growth
Upscaling the UK’s Digital Economy
Policy makers have a tremendous opportunity to harness the power of disruptive and emerging technology to transform the UK’s productive potential. To do so will improve our quality of life, aid our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and increase consumer choice. However, rapid technological advances and changing consumer and business habits present the challenge of how to regulate new sectors and products without discouraging investment or hampering productivity. This event will explore how to ensure the UK is equipped to thrive in the digital economy of the future.

Speakers Include:
- Aidan Corley, Economic Policy Adviser, Google
- Chi Onwurah MP, Shadow Minister for Science, Research and Digital
- Leo Ringer, Founding Partner, Form Ventures
- Air Marshal (Ret’d) Edward Stringer CB CBE, Former Director General of the Defence Academy
- Benjamin Barnard, Head of Government, Politics and Technology Policy, Policy Exchange (Chair)
Tuesday 27th September 2022, 12:30 – 13:30
A Labour trade policy for Government
In July 2022, leader of the Labour Party Keir Starmer ruled out re-joining the EU’s Single Market or entering a customs union with Brussels. Instead, he said a Labour government would negotiate with the EU to lower trade barriers post-Brexit. Beyond the EU relationship, how would a Labour government seek to open up new markets and create new opportunities for jobs and growth? And how would a Labour government further wider objectives relating to sustainability, workers’ rights and climate in its trade policy?

Speakers Include:
- Shevaun Haviland, Director General, the British Chambers of Commerce
- Sally Jones, Trade Strategy Partner, EY
- Aileen Keyes, Head of International Public Policy, Diageo
- Sam Lowe, Partner (Trade), Flint Global
- Rt Hon Nick Thomas-Symonds MP, Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade
- Stephen Booth, Head of the Britain in the World Project, Policy Exchange (Chair)
Tuesday 27th September 2022, 15.45 – 16.45
Cheap and Clean
How the UK can deliver more green, homegrown energy?
Last November, the Prime Minister’s “Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution” established a pathway for achieving Net Zero by 2050 through a renewed commitment to renewables, nuclear power, biofuels and clean hydrogen.
One year later, Vladimir Putin’s brutal assault on Ukraine and weaponization of energy exports has sent natural gas prices to record highs and the U.K. is facing an unprecedented energy crisis that threatens to push millions of families and businesses into fuel poverty.
What does this mean for Britain’s climate transition and the road to Net Zero? Is decarbonization compatible with energy security? And how can we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels over the near and long term?

Speakers Include:
- Clare Jackson, Chief Executive Officer, Hydrogen UK
- Dr Alan Whitehead MP, Shadow Minister (Climate Change and Net Zero)
- David Cairns, Vice President Political and Public, Equinor
- Alex Simakov, Senior Research Fellow (Energy & Environment), Policy Exchange (Chair)