Economics and Social Policy

Economics and Social Policy

Policy Exchange’s Economics and Social Policy Unit has a successful track record of recommending a wide range of policies designed to increase growth, competition and the agility of the UK economy, while seeking to minimise the burden of excessive taxation and regulation where possible. The Unit frequently engages with a range of stakeholders across No.10, Parliament, the Civil Service, and industry, which has resulted in a high number of our recommendations being adopted as government policy, ranging from our recommendations on post-Brexit replacement of the Common Agricultural System’s production subsidy policy, to our call for greater support for new owners and renters.

The Unit has hosted a range of public events with high profile speakers, including two former Governors of the Bank of England, Lord King of Lothbury and Mark Carney, the Chancellor, Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, former Chancellor Rt Hon Lord Darling of Roulanish, and Jesse Norman MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. We have also hosted private events with Rishi Sunak MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and Anthony Browne MP, member of the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee.

August 8, 2024

Growing Pension Capital

July 19, 2024

The UK's Broken Housing Market

May 19, 2024

Politicising Business

May 12, 2024

One size fits all

Economics and Social Policy
June 28, 2024

Keynote speech by Governor Michelle W. Bowman

June 30, 2023

Why Policy Exchange has a Head of Political Economy

Economics and Social Policy
December 22, 2022

Pensions and Consolidation

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