NEW TEAM: In time for conference season, and already leading on the issues of today, Policy Exchange reveals its new senior line-up, with key facts about fresh and familiar faces.
Dean Godson is Director of Policy Exchange. He joined the think tank in 2005, and ran its security research until becoming Director in 2013.
Prior to Policy Exchange, Dean was Chief Leader Writer of the Daily Telegraph. He also worked as Associate Editor of The Spectator, and was a contributing editor for Prospect Magazine. He is the author of Himself Alone: David Trimble and the Ordeal of Unionism, which has been widely hailed as one of the most authoritative books on the Troubles. He comments regularly on national and international affairs for The Times, TheSunday Times, Prospect Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal.
Warwick Lightfoot is Head of Research, and Head of Economics and Social Policy at Policy Exchange. He is an economist, with specialist interests in monetary economics, labour markets, and public finance. He has served as Special Adviser to three Chancellors of the Exchequer, and a Secretary of State for Employment. Warwick was a treasury economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland, and has also been Economics Editor of The European. His many articles on economics and public policy have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, The Times, The Sunday Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, and in specialist journals ranging from the Times Literary Supplement and The Spectator, to the Investors Chronicle and Financial World. His books include Sorry We Have No Money — Britain’s Economic Problem.

Dr Martyn Frampton is Head of National Security and Counter-Extremism at Policy Exchange. He is Senior Lecturer in Modern History at Queen Mary, University of London, where he has worked since 2009. His research interests include modern British and Irish history, and Anglo-US foreign policy and its role in the development of the modern Middle East and the politics of Islamism. He is the author of three books: Legion of the Rearguard: Dissident Irish Republicanism, The Long March: The Political Strategy of Sinn Fein 1981 – 2007, and Talking to Terrorists: The Search for Peace in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country (with John Bew and Inigo Gurruchaga). He he has written for, and appeared on various media outlets, including the Daily Telegraph, BBC Radio 4, the BBC World Service, Newsnight, Reuters, and CNN.
David Goodhart is Head of the Demography, Immigration, and Integration Unit, and Director of the Integration Hub website. He is a former Director of Demos, and former Editor of Prospect magazine, which he founded in 1995, and where he remains Editor-at-Large. David is a prominent figure in public debate in the UK, as a well-known broadcaster, author, commentator, and journalist. He has presented several BBC Radio 4 Analysis programmes. Before Prospect, David was a correspondent for the Financial Times, including a stint in Germany during the unification period. In 2013, David published The British Dream, a book about post-war multiculturalism, national identity, and immigration. It was short-listed for the Orwell Book Prize in 2014.
Andrew Gilligan is Head of the Capital City Foundation at Policy Exchange. He was Boris Johnson’s Cycling Commissioner, and is currently a Senior Correspondent for The Sunday Times. A former winner of the ‘Press Gazette British Press Award for Journalist of the Year’, he has previously worked for the Evening Standard, for the Telegraph Media Group in various roles including London Editor of the Sunday Telegraph, and as the BBC’s Defence and Diplomatic Correspondent.

Dr Gerard Lyons is Chief Economic Adviser at Policy Exchange. He is a leading expert on the world economy, global financial markets, and economic and regulatory policy. Formerly he was Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London, and he also has 27 years’ experience in The City in senior roles with leading international banks, including Standard Chartered, DKB International, and Swiss Bank, where he had an excellent forecasting record. He is also Chief Economic Strategist at Netwealth Investments, and sits on the advisory boards at both Warwick Business School, and the Grantham Institute at the LSE and Imperial College. He co-founded Economists for Brexit, and his ebook, The UK Referendum: An Easy Guide to Leaving the EU, was released by Amazon. His first book, The Consolations of Economics, was serialised in the Daily Telegraph, and he is a regular press and television commentator. He frequently speaks at major domestic and global economic and financial conferences.

Sir Geoffrey Owen is Chief Adviser on Industrial Policy at Policy Exchange. He is Visiting Professor of Practice in the Managerial Economics and Strategy Faculty Group, at the LSE, where he has worked since 1991. He was previously Editor of the Financial Times, an executive in the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation, and Personnel Director in the overseas division of British Leyland Motor Corporation. He is the author of three books: The Rise and Fall of Great Companies: Courtaulds and the Reshaping of the Man-Made Fibres Industry, Industry in the USA, and From Empire to Europe: The Decline and Revival of British Industry Since the Second World War. Published papers include Where are the Big Gorillas? High Technology Entrepreneurship in the UK and the Role of Public Policy, and he contributes to various management journals, including the Harvard Business Review.
Dr Geoff Raby is Head of Trade Policy at Policy Exchange. He is a former Australian Ambassador to China, and to the World Trade Organisation. He has also held the positions of Deputy Secretary in the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, First Assistant Secretary to the Trade Negotiations Division, APEC Ambassador, and Head of the OECD Trade Policy Issues Division. Currently Chairman and CEO of Geoff Raby and Associates Ltd, Geoff also holds a number of non-executive, independent director positions with ASX-listed companies, and is on the advisory board of various non-profit organisations. In recognition of his contribution to advancing relations between Australia and China, Geoff was made Friendship Ambassador to Shandong Province, and an honorary citizen of Chengdu City.