Dr Sean Phillips

Dr Sean Phillips
Dr Sean Phillips is Head of Health and Social Care at Policy Exchange. He was previously a Research Fellow in the Unit, co-authoring reports on COVID-19 vaccination, measures to tackle the ‘waiting list’ in elective care, reforms to general practice, clinical research and the future for specialised services. During this period, the Unit’s work was awarded ‘Health, science and medicine’ think-tank of the year by Prospect Magazine (2022).   Prior to joining Policy Exchange, Sean completed a doctorate in History at the University of Oxford, which explored the history of regionalism in the Indo-Pacific. He previously lived in Berlin, where he worked as a consultant on matters relating to digital health and emergent technologies in healthcare, advising consumer health, insurance, and start-up clients.   He holds a DPhil in History and an MSt in Global and Imperial History from the University of Oxford and a BA in History from the University of Exeter.

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Mission Critical

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The problem with ‘allyship’ schemes at NHS hospitals

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Double Vision

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A Fresh Shot

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Health and Social Care: What do we want from the next Prime Minister?

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A Wait on your Mind?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Download Publication The waiting list for elective treatment in the NHS in England has reached an unprecedented level. It is likely to become the defining NHS issue as we approach the next general election, and brings a very real human cost as millions endure a long and uncertain wait. So what can […]

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Any reset of waiting times must put more information in the hands of patients

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