Nigel Edwards
Chief Executive, Nuffield Trust

Nigel Edwards joined the Nuffield Trust as Chief Executive in April 2014. His career has been spent in health service management and health policy, focusing particularly on innovation and change in the delivery of health services in the UK and internationally.
After graduating in PPE from Oxford University, Nigel entered NHS management as a graduate trainee, and went on to work at hospital and regional level.
He has worked for the King’s Fund, KPMG’s global practice and the NHS Confederation where he was Director of Policy and later Chief Executive. He is an honorary visiting professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he worked as Director of the London Health Economics Consortium from 1992 to 1999.
Nigel’s work and interests are wide ranging, from the development and implementation of new models of service delivery at the front line to wider health care policy in the UK and internationally. He also has a strong interest in using different disciplines to inform health policy and has been developing the Trust’s work on recent NHS history.
Nigel is the lead contact for the Nuffield Trust’s work as the UK correspondent for the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. He works regularly with the World Health Organisation and has advised on health service reform in a number of countries including Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Iraq.
Nigel is a regular contributor to the BMJ, a well-known conference speaker and a widely quoted media commentator with a strong Twitter following.