Lilly Whitham
Health & Social Care Research Fellow, 2010
Lilly has returned to Canada to pursue a career in health policy.During her time at Policy Exchange Lilly co-authored reports on cancer and social care, and contributed to the research and writing for a report on the management of long-term conditions.Before joining Policy Exchange, Lilly completed her MSc in Health, Population and Society, at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where she also worked as a Research Assistant within LSE Health.
Incentivising Wellness shows how the NHS can save tens of billions of pounds while also taking better care of one of the UK’s fastest-growing diseases – diabetes.
Careless argues that introducing free personal care funded by general taxation is far too expensive. The report instead recommends that three specific funding models be considered by the Coalition's Commission on the funding of care and support long-term.
The report highlights late diagnosis, poor survival rates for older people and those in deprived communities, and relatively poor take up of new treatments and technologies as being the most likely causes behind the UK’s comparatively high mortality rate for cancer patients.