Jesse Norman MP

Jesse Norman MP
Jesse is the Conservative MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire and a member of the Treasury Select Committee. Jesse was a director at Barclays before leaving the City in 1997 to teach at University College London. He was educated at Oxford University (BA) and UCL (MPhil, PhD), where he holds an honorary fellowship in philosophy.

Related Publications

Compassionate Economics: The social foundations of economic prosperity - a personal view

Compassionate Economics: the social foundations of economic prosperity - a personal view is an examination of the fundamental drivers of both economic prosperity and social wellbeing, from which Jesse Norman attempts to set out a new economic agenda for the centre-right.

Living for the City: A New Agenda for Green Cities

Living for the City brings out crucial yet unexpected links between 'direct democracy' or greater citizen participation in community action and local decision-making; greener, healthier and safer city environments; and improved economic growth.

Compassionate Conservatism: what it is, why we need it

What is compassionate conservatism, and how can it meet the social and political challenges faced by today's Britain? These are the questions that Jesse Norman and Janan Ganesh answer in their acclaimed new book.

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