Gerard Lyons

Gerard Lyons
Dr Gerard Lyons is a Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange. He is a leading expert on the world economy, global financial markets, and economic and regulatory policy. Formerly he was Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and he also has 27 years’ experience in The City in senior roles with leading international banks, including Standard Chartered, DKB International, and Swiss Bank, where he had an excellent forecasting record. He is also Chief Economic Strategist at Netwealth Investments, and sits on the advisory boards at both Warwick Business School, and the Grantham Institute at the LSE and Imperial College. He co-founded Economists for Brexit, and his ebook, The UK Referendum: An Easy Guide to Leaving the EU, was released by Amazon. His first book, The Consolations of Economics, was serialised in the Daily Telegraph, and he is a regular press and television commentator. He frequently speaks at major domestic and global economic and financial conferences.

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