Alessio Patalano
Senior Fellow

Dr Alessio Patalano is is Reader in East Asian Warfare & Security at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, and Visiting Fellow at the Japan Maritime Staff and Command College, Tokyo and Temple University Japan. He is the Director of the King’s Japan Programme, and he specialises in Japanese naval history and strategy, maritime issues in East Asia, and Sino-Japanese maritime relations in the East and South China Seas. His latest monograph titled Post-war Japan as a Seapower: Imperial Legacy, Wartime Experience, and the Making of a Navy was published by Bloomsbury in 2015 (Paperback in 2016). Dr Patalano has published in a variety of academic and professional journals and regularly comments on East Asian affairs on Radio Monocle 24, BBC World, SKY News, Al Jazeera, and France 24.