with Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP Chair of the Health and Social Care Select Committee, former Foreign Secretary and Health Secretary
Dr Tsitsi Chawatama-Kwambana Consultant Paediatrician and Chair, Save the Children UK
Joe Cerrell Managing Director, Global Policy and Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Chaired by
Katy Balls Deputy Political Editor, The Spectator
What does “Global Britain” mean and what should it signify in a healthcare context? A panel of experts debates this question and considered:
The upcoming G7 Summit – The Government has outlined four healthcare priorities for the UK G7 Presidency (AMR, health security, digital and clinical trials). Are these the right ones?
The future of the World Health Organisation – How will the pandemic change the role of the WHO? Is there a need for wholesale reform? What role might the UK play in the light of the Government’s recent pledge to increase its WHO contributions?
Future healthcare alliances – What are the future alliances which the UK should be looking to form? How can it best continue to fulfil its international healthcare obligations?